Friday, 27 March 2015


Apa itu Stevia?

Stevia adalah pemanis semulajadi dan merupakan pengganti gula pasir terbaik. Stevia adalah jauh lebih baik daripada gula sintetik. Gula sintetik (Artificial Sugar) boleh meningkatkan risiko kanser.
Orang-orang di Jepun telah mengamalkan pemanis gula Stevia sejak 30 tahun dulu. Malaysia baru sahaja meningkat penggunaannya kerana kesedaran rakyat Malaysia tentang kesihatan diri semakin meningkat.
Stevia adalah pemanis semulajadi yang berasal daripada tumbuh-tumbuhan iaitu daun Stevia Rebaudianayang berasal dari keluarga bunga matahari (Asterecea).

Daun Stevia sebenarnya telah digunakan oleh Red Indian Guarani di Paraquay sejak 1500 tahun dahulu sebagai pemanis semulajadi dan juga sebagai rawatan dan penyembuhan luka.
Kajian secara meluas hanya bermula pada awal kurun ke-19 selepas penyelidik Brazil iaitu juga seorang ahli Botani Paraguay bernama Moises S.Bertoni melakukan kajian dan menulis artikel-artikel tentang kebaikan dan kegunaan Stevia. Kajian ini bermula sejak mereka mendapati sehelai daun Stevia boleh memaniskan sebiji buah peria dan secawan teh herba yang kelat.
Di bawah ini, beberapa bukti kajian saintifik berkaitan dengan daun Stevia.



Merupakan produk yang mengandungi ekstrak dari daun stevia. Kemanisan yang terhasil dari daun stevia merupakan Pemanis Semulajadi yang 300 kali lebih manis dari gula biasa. Kajian klinikal menunjukan STEVIA berguna sebagai pengganti gula. Lebih dari sifat pemanis, kajian juga menunjukkan kesan penurunan tahap kawalan Diabetes, Penurunan tahap tekanan darah tinggi dan penurunan berat badan untuk pesakit obesiti.
Pengenalan Stevia
Stevia merupakan 150 spesies herba daripada keluarga bunga matahari (Astereacea). Ia secara rasminya ditemui pada kurun ke-19 oleh Dr.Moises Santiago Bertoni. Beliau menamakannya sebagai Stevia Rebaudiana Bertoni sebagai penghormatan kepada ahli kimia Paraguay. Ia merupakan tumbuhan yang berasal daripada kawasan tropika dan sub-tropika di Amerika Selatan dan Amerika Tengah. Stevia yang digunakan secara meluas sebagai pemanis adalah stevia dari spesies Rebaudiana. Ia juga dikenali sebagai sweetleaf, sugarleaf atau sweet herb.

Ia merupakan sejenis tumbuhan herba berbatang lembut. Untuk menanamnya, medium yang digunakan adalah dari jenis poros supaya tiada air yang akan bertakung selepas ia disiram. Daunnya berbentuk bujur, batangnya halus dan bergerutu. Dalam keadaan optimum Stevia boleh mencapai ketinggian sehingga 1 meter atau lebih. Ia mengeluarkan bunga kecil warna putih.

Kegunaan Stevia
Kegunaan Stevia sebagai pemanis mula disedari oleh orang Eropah pada kurun ke-16. Sejak itu ia mula digunakan dengan meluas di Eropah sehinggalah dibawa ke Asia. Walaubagaimanapun kajian terhadap Stevia hanya mula dilakukan pada kurun ke-19 apabila para pengkaji di Brazil mendengar cerita yang sehelai daun Stevia boleh memaniskan sebiji buah peria dan juga secawan teh herba yang kelat. Ia mula dikaji oleh seorang ahli botani Paraguay yang bernama Moises S.Bertoni yang kemudiannya menulius antara artikel-artikel awal mengenai Stevia pada awal kurun ke-19.

Ciri yang paling unik mengenai Stevia ialah ia merupakan pemanis semulajadi yang tidak mengandungi kalori. Ciri ini telah menarik minat para pengkaji untuk menjalankan kajian terhadap Stevia. Kajian terhadap toksidnya,mendapati kandungan utama yang menyebabkan ia manis iaitu Steviosid tidak toksid. Ia juga didapati tidak memberi apa-apa kesan terhadap kesuburan.
Khasiat Stevia
  • -Mengimbangi kandungan gula dalam badan.
  • -Menurunkan kadar gula yang terdapat di dalam darah sesuai untuk pesakit diabetes                    dan hypoglycemia.
  • -Melawaskan pembuangan air kencing.
  • -Meningkatkan kadar tenaga di dalam tubuh badan.
  • -Melicinkan dan memutihkan kulit serta awet muda.
  • -Membantu sistem penghadaman makanan.



Tuesday, 24 March 2015


"Sugar is killer sweetener". Study has been made by the nutritionists and scientists, Professor John Yudkin. A study in Finland found that a diet rich in sugar reduces the strength of the growing rat bone. Newsweek article that highlights the latest crime wave in Japan titled "Devil Food Made Me Do It", reporting on the relationship between foods and too much sugar leads to violence.
Among the diseases caused by the sweetness of sugar:
• Heart Disease
• Cancer - Cancer cells are rich in sugars
• Diabetes
• Acne
• Candida Albicans - Sugar can cause vaginal infections
• Weaken the Immune System - 24 teaspoons of sugar can result in 92% less effective blood cells
• Tooth Decay - 8 of 10 child victims
• Fast Seniors
• Obesity
• Rheumatism
• Osteoporosis
• Gallstones

Among the causes of sugar that affect your health:
• Sugar can weaken the immune system
• Sugar can upset the body's mineral balance
• Sugar causes hyperactivity, anxiety and delinquency in children
• Sugar affects the achievement of children in school
• Sugar can weaken the body's resistance to bacterial infection
• Sugar can damage the kidneys
• Sugar can cause the breast, ovary, prostate and rectal cancer
• Sugar to be a factor in gall bladder cancer
• Sugar can cause colon cancer, with a higher risk for women
• Sugar can cause stomach acid
Sugar triggers cancer because insulin is associated with the production of Prostaglandin E2 hormones that weaken the immune system. Cancerous tumors are eating sugar. High level of Blood sugar means that there is a high supply of tumor "fuel" that continued to circulate throughout the body.

Candida Albicans 

Sugar also becomes food for the yeast that causes vaginal infections due to excessive yeast growth. When blood sugar is high, there is extra sugar as food. Thus, the yeast rapidly increased, causing excessive growth.


Sugar is a cause of obesity as 1 gram of sugar gives you 4 calories without other nutrients. Excess calories or sugar that is not used by the body will be converted into fat. This will lead to obesity besides a host of other health problems

Hypertension (High Blood Pressure)
High blood pressure is common for people who are obese. Increased fat tissue means adding more distance of capillaries through which blood is pumped. This situation would push the heart and arteries to cause different forms of heart disease that can lead to death.


Stevia is a genus of 150 species of herbs of the sunflower family (Astereacea). In Malaysia, it is also known as Sugar Tree, as it is believed to reduce diabetes. A stevia type that is widely used as a sweetener is from Rebaudiana species. It is also known as sweetleaf, sugarleaf or sweetherb.

It is a herbaceous plant with soft stem. To plant, the medium used is porous so that no water will stagnate after being watered. It requires enough water and need to be watered 2 times a day in hot weather. It will quickly dry up and die if the water is not enough. The leaves are oval shaped. The bark is smoot. In the optimum level, Stevia can reach a height of up to 1 metre or more. It also produces small white flowers just like daisies. This flower will produce seeds when ripe. Reproduction method usually using stem cuttings. Stem cuttings facilitate root growth. Although it can also reproduce using seeds, but seeds germination rate is very low so it is rarely use.

The active ingredient responsible for the sweet taste of stevia known as steviol glycosides which contained stevioside and rebaudioside . It is stable at high temperatures, pH stable and does not stimulate glycemic response, making it more and more popular especially for people who want to limit the consumption of carbohydrates and avoid diabetes. In addition, stevia also found to treat high blood pressure, reduce levels of uric acid and obesity.

Stevia has been used as a natural sweetener by people in Brazil and Paraguay since hundreds of years ago. It was first used by Red Indians Guarani in Paraguay since 1500 years ago. It is used primarily to sweeten their herbal tea. Apart from that it is also used to sweeten their food. They also use Stevia as a medicine mainly to lower high blood pressure, urination and treat burns.

The use of stevia as a sweetener was discovered by Europeans in the 16th century . Since then it was used extensively in Europe until a visit to Asia. However, studies on Stevia only started in the early 19th century when researchers in Brazil heard a story of a stevia leaf can sweeten the bitter fruit and a cup of herbal tea.

The most unique feature about Stevia is that it is a natural sweetener that does not contain calories. In traditional belief, stevia has zero calories, fat, cholesterol, sugar and carbohydrates. Stevia extract is said to be 300 times sweeter than sugar. This feature has attracted the researchers to carry out research on Stevia. Studies on the toxic content found that the main element in stevia, a steviosid is not toxic. It also did not cause cell mutations and might as well does not give any effect on fertility. However there is a conflict of fertility studies associated with Stevia. One study found that it did not give any effect on fertility, while another study found that water extracted from stevia leaves has lower the levels of testosterone and sperm count in male rats when tested.

Brazilian scientists study in 1991 found steviosid is able to lower blood pressure in rats. From these findings, another test done in 2000 . This time the subject is the 106 Chinese ( men and women ) who suffer from high blood pressure. 60 subjects were given capsules containing 250mg steviosid 3 times a day. 

Inspection of the subjects performed once a month for one year. After 3 months, systolic and diastolic blood pressure decreased significantly and lasting impact throughout the year. 

Resulting from this study, scientists concluded that steviosid taken orally is effective in lowering blood pressure and it may be considered as an alternative or supplement to high blood pressure. A group of scientists tested the hypoglycemic effects of glycoside in the stevia. 

They also studied the effects of glucose production to the glycosides , steviol , isosteviol and glukosilsteviol. Steviol found to not produce glucose . Also in 2000, researchers in Denmark have conducted a study which shows hypoglycemic action in vitro done by steviosid and steviol are the result of the ability to both produce insulin through direct action on beta cells. 

They concluded that the study found that these compounds may have the potential to be anti-hypoglycemic agents in the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus.



Sweet leaf as sugar substitute for diabetics categorized as shrubs suitable for ground cover decorator. Edible Garden or Ingredients Garden CONCEPT emphasizes every tree can be grown as food, medicine as well as decorate the garden.
For that reason, there are some trees that are categorized as herbs and can be an interesting ornamental plant Ingredients Garden includes the stevia or sweet leaf. Stevia is not only beautiful in name but unique for the nutrients it’s produced to replace sugar.
It is said to be replacing sugar for diabetics, and are also categorized as an ornamental shrubs plant. The leaves are oval shaped while the stem is soft. It can grow up to a meter or more and has small white flowers resembling a daisy. Stevia is one of 150 species of herbs in the sunflower family (Astereacea). Thus, stevia seed yield at maturity.
This tree can also reproduce using seeds, but seeds germination rate is very low so rarely bred that way. Thus, breeding often using stem cuttings. Stevia is derived from tropical and sub-tropical South America and Central America, some say it originated in Paraguay.
In addition to landscaping, stevia is widely used as a sweetener. Commonly used stevia as a sweetener is Rebaudiana species. It was first used by Red Indians Guarani in Paraguay since 1500 years ago as a sweetener in herbal tea and meals. They also use Stevia as a remedy for lowering high blood pressure, urination and treat burns.
In Europe, the use of stevia as a sweetener was discovered in the 16th century and it was brought to Asia. Studies on the plant began in the early 19th century when researchers in Brazil heard a story of a stevia leaf can sweeten the bitter fruit and a cup of herbal tea. Paraguay botanists, Moises Bertoni S has written extensively on the plant until people know the uniqueness and advantages.
Interestingly, stevia is a natural sweetener that contains no calories and its extract is said to be 300 times sweeter than sugar. The study found that the main element in Stevia which is steviosid does not contain toxic. It also did not cause cell mutation and does not affect fertility, but there is a conflict of fertility studies of stevia.
One study found that it did not give any effect on fertility, while another study found that water extracted from stevia leaves has lower the levels of testosterone and sperm count in male rats when tested. Resulting from this study, scientists concluded that steviosid taken orally is effective in lowering blood pressure and it may be considered as an alternative or supplement to high blood pressure.
A group of scientists tested the hypoglycemic effects of glycoside in the stevia. They also studied the effects of glucose production to the glycosides , steviol , isosteviol and glukosilsteviol. Steviol found to not produce glucose . Also in 2000, researchers in Denmark have conducted a study which shows hypoglycemic action in vitro done by steviosid and steviol are the result of the ability to both produce insulin through direct action on beta cells. They concluded that the study found that these compounds may have the potential to be anti-hypoglycemic agents in the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus. There is an opinion said stevia is also used as a tonic for the heart, to stabilize blood pressure and heart rate.
Now, millions of people in Brazil and Japan uses stevia as a food flavoring and natural sweetener. It has been approved food flavors the past 20 years. Japanese is the biggest consumer of stevia. They sweeten almost all food products including pickles, soft drinks and chocolate. In fact, it was reported that companies such as Coca Cola drink manufacturers have used stevia extract as a replacement for NutraSweet and saccharin for their products marketed in Japan, Brazil and Canada. In the United States, stevia is a controlled substance that cannot be used on food products. This may be due to the monopoly producer of synthetic sweetener without calories that are in there.
INFO: Stevia
• Soil – compost + clay mixture that not hold water
• Stevia need sunlight and enough water and need to be watered twice a day in hot weather.
• The tree will quickly dry up and die if not watered enough
• The usual dose is used and intended to use stevia is 1/4 Tbsp. The crushed leaves are used to replace 1 tablespoon sugar.
Local Name: Stevia
Scientific Name: Stevia Rebaudiana
Aliases: sweet tea, sweet leaf of Paraguay, caa-he-ee, kaa jheéé, ca-a-jhei, ca-a-yupi, azucacaa, Eira-caa,
Synonym: Eupatorium rebaudianum Capim Doce, Doce erva, sweet-Herb, Yerba honey, honeyleaf, yaa Waan, candy leaf, sugarleaf.


Royal Sweetener Stevia 

RSS is a product containing stevia leaves extract. The natural sweetness from the extract is 300 times sweeter than regular sugar. Clinical studies show STEVIA is suitable as substitute for regular sugar. Functioning as a natural sweetener, the study also shows this sweetener effectively lowering the level of diabetes, high blood pressure and weight loss in patients with obesity.
The Introduction of Stevia
Stevia is one of 150 species of herbs from a family of sunflowers (Astereacea).  It was officially discovered in the 19th century by Dr. Moises Santiago Bertoni. He renamed it as Stevia Rebaudiana Bertoni as a tribute to the Paraguayan botanist. It is a plant originating from the tropical and sub-tropical South America and Central America. Types of stevia which has been widely used as a sweetener is from Rebaudiana species. It is also known as sweetleaf or sugarleaf or sweet herb. It is a herbal plant with a soft stem. 

For planting, the type of medium used is porous so that no water will stagnate after being watered. It has oval shaped leaves, small and rough stem. In the optimum level, Stevia can reach a height of up to 1 metre or more. It also produces small white flowers.
The Use Of Stevia
The use of Stevia as a sweetener was discovered by Europeans in the 16th century. Since then it was used widely in Europe until brought to Asia. Even so, research on Stevia only began in the 19th century when researchers in Brazil heard a story that a piece of Stevia leaf can sweeten a bitter fruit and a cup of herbal tea. It has been studieded by a Paraguayan botanist named Moises S. Bertoni which later writing among the earliest articles about Stevia in the early 19th century. 

The most unique feature of Stevia is that it is a natural sweetener with no calories. This feature has been of interest to researchers to carry out research. Toxic study found the main content that caused it sweet which is Steviosid does not contain toxic.
Benefits Of Stevia
  • -Balancing the body's sugar content.
  • -Lowering blood sugar for people with diabetes and hypoglycemia.
  • -Urinate smoothly.
  • -Increase the energy in the body.
  • -For a smoother,  brighten and younger looking skin.
  • -Better and smoother digestive system.







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